LAWG Joins International Civil Society Organizations Calling on World Bank’s Private Investment Arm to Halt Loans to Private Security Firm Due to Human Rights Violations in Bajo Aguán, Honduras

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CSO response to the CAO investigation into IFC investment in Corporación Dinant, Honduras


International and Honduran CSOs, including Movement of Unified Campesinos in Aguan Honduras, Movimiento Madre Tierra Honduras, CIFCA, FIAN, Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo, Oxfam, ActionAid International, Rights Action, Trocaire, Greenpeace International, Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente, the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), Global Witness, Urgewald, the Bretton Woods Project, CLOC-La Via Campesina, Global Campaign for Agrarian Reform, the Center for International Environmental Law, APRODEV, Forest Peoples Programme, Bank Information Center, COFADEH (Honduras), Accountability Counsel, Transformasi untuk Keadilan Indonesia, GRAIN, Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l’Homme, MISEREOR (Catholic Bishops Organisation for Development Cooperation, Germany), ASTM – Third World Solidarity, Grupo Sur – European Advocacy Network – EU Latin America and Caribbean, Latin America Working Group, Rel-UITA, Latindadd, BankTrack, Inclusive Development International, The Corner House, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Re:Common, Fundación de Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho El Salvador, Friends of the Earth US, Habitat International Coalition Latin America Office (HIC-AL), ARTICLE 19, Global Campaign for Free Expression and Information, Health Poverty Action, Institute for Policy Studies Climate Policy Program, Carbon Market Watch, Rettet den Regenwald, Yayasan SETARA Jambi, Germany, Ulu Foundation, Eurodad, World Family UK, Food First/Institute for Food & Development Policy, Centre national de coopération au développement CNCD-11.11.11, International Human Rights Clinic, Indigenous Peoples Links, GMB, Honduras-Forum Switzerland, Ecologistas en Acción, Robin Wood, Both ENDS, Biofuelwatch UK/US, Finance & Trade Watch Austria, HondurasDelegation, Jamaa Resource Initiatives Kenya, ECA Watch Austria, the Norwegian Coalition for Debt Cancellation, MiningWatch Canada, the Social Justice Committee of Montreal Canada, KOSID and Mani Tese, condemn the response of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to the highly critical findings of the Compliance Adviser/Ombudsman regarding the IFC’s investment in Corporación Dinant in Honduras1, which has been associated with extensive human rights abuses, including the killing, kidnapping and forced eviction of farmers.

Click here to read the entire response.