“No justice has been done.”

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My daughter was assassinated nine years ago and no justice has been done. She was carrying her daughter at the time and both disappeared mysteriously. Later, my daughter’s body was found with two bullets on her back. She was raped and her body was found brutally beaten. However, the body of my granddaughter was never found.

Versíon en español abajo

by Soledad Aguilar, the mother of Cecilia Covarurubias

“My daughter was assassinated nine years ago and no justice has been done. She was carrying her daughter at the time and both disappeared mysteriously. Later, my daughter’s body was found with two bullets on her back. She was raped and her body was found brutally beaten. However, the body of my granddaughter was never found. She would have been eleven years old on October 20, 2004, but she is still missing. The most important part for me is the fight to find my granddaughter as she is the only thing that was left. I lost both of them at the same time. I hope that you will help me pressure Mexican authorities so that justice is made. There are many mothers currently undergoing a lot of the same pain. We have seen our daughters leave one day and later come back in a coffin. It is very painful for all the mothers. It is something we never expected, especially in the way that they were assassinated.

“It has been nine years since we have waited for justice and the Mexican authorities are not working to help us. Someone has covered up for those responsible of all of these crimes. We know that they know who the culprit is. It is not a coincidence that all of the lines of investigation and evidence have been lost. Nor that so many young women have died the same way. It is very sad to see that nothing has been done after every murder and that the Mexican authorities are not interested in resolving these cases. However, it is important that we continue looking for answers so that one day we find those responsible. Justice will not be done until the day women are no longer murdered. It has been nine years since we started this fight, but if we just stay home we will never live to see peace in our neighborhoods. My family’s life and my own have been threatened since we broke the silence, but there is no other way to get justice.”

“No ha habido justicia.”

por Soledad Aguilar, madre de Cecilia Covarurubias

“Mi hija tiene nueve años de haber sido asesinada y no ha habido justicia. Llevaba a su hija en brazos y las dos fueron desaparecidas misteriosamente. Después, apareció el cuerpo de mi hija asesinada con dos balazos por la espalda. Fué violada y golpeada brutalmente. Pero el cuerpo de su hija, mi nieta, nunca apareció. Mi nieta ahora tendría nueve años, los cumplió el 20 de octubre del 2004 pero de ella no sé nada todavía, está desaparecida. Lo importante para mi es la lucha para poder encontrar a mi nieta que fue lo único que quedó. Yo perdí a mi hija y mi nieta al mismo tiempo. Quisiera por medio de ustedes y la presión de las autoridades mexicanas que se pudiera hacer justicia. Somos muchas madres que llevamos el mismo dolor de ver perder nuestras hijas de la forma en la que las perdimos. Verlas salir de pie y verlas regresar en un caja es algo muy doloroso para uno. Es algo que no se espera especialmente en la forma que fue hecho.

“Son nueve años de espera para que se haga justicia pero las autoridades mexicanas no quieren trabajar. Alguien ha incubierto todo este tiempo porque sí se sabe quienes son los culpables. No es casualidad que todas las lineas de investigaciones y las pruebas se hayan perdido. Tampoco que tantas mujeres jovenes hayan muerto de la misma manera. Es muy doloroso vivir con la impunidad de que no se resuelvan los casos y de que no haya ningún interés de las autoridades sobre tantos asesinatos. Es importante seguir luchando para que algún día podamos capturar a los culpables. Para nosotros justicia significa que ya no hayan mas asesinatos. Son nueve años los que llevamos luchando y si nos quedamos en casa menos lograrémos paz en nuestras comunidades. Hemos tenido varias amenzas de vida en mi casa por romper el silencio pero no hay de otra manera para lograr que algo suceda.”